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Corel painter 2016 manual free

  When you want other items, you can load alternate libraries. Heather Michelle Chinn - Workshops, one-on-one and digital download training from beginner to intermediate levels. The Selection Adjuster tool lets you select, move, продолжение здесь manipulate selections created with the Rectangular, Oval, fred Lasso selection tools and those converted from Shapes. If you set your document.  

Corel PAINTER 8 User Manual - User Guide


Corel Painter includes over new Brush variants. New brushes are included in the following categories:. Corel Painter features a Brush Creator, which is designed to make the brush variant creation process easy and fun. The Brush Creator includes three key features:. To help you visualize how the new brush variants will look, the Randomizer provides a brush stroke preview of each new variant.

For example, you can choose the 2B Pencil and create brush variants that are mutated toward another variant, such as Charcoal. To help you visualize how the new brush variants will look, the Transposer provides a brush stroke preview of each new variant. To make the brush creation process more visual and interactive, the Stroke Designer includes a live preview that updates each time you make changes to the brush variant. Layer Masks : The redesigned layer masks let you hide and reveal areas of layers without making permanent changes to an image.

Channels : The Channels palette lets you use alpha channels to create and store masks to modify, separate, and preserve specific areas of an image.

It provides information you need to get the most out of Corel Painter. As a convention, Mac OS commands precede Windows commands in the text.

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The Corel Painter workspace has been designed to give you easy access to tools, effects, commands, and features. The workspace is organized across a series of menus, selectors, and interactive palettes. Some features are also available in the frame of the document window. The document window lets you access the following features with the click of a button:. Layers palette. In the toolbox, there are tools to make marks, draw shapes, fill shapes with color, view and navigate, and make selections.

There are also six selectors that let you choose papers, gradients, patterns, weaves, looks, and nozzles. Some tools of similar function share a space in the toolbox. The button for only one of these tools is displayed at a time. Any tool that has a triangle in the bottom-right corner has one or more tools underneath it in a flyout menu.

The toolbox is open by default; however, it can be closed. You can move the toolbox around the document window, and you can dock the toolbox to the document window or to other palettes. The current tool can be modified by options on the property bar, which change as you change tools.

Some tools share a space in the toolbox. You can use the Magnifier tool to magnify areas of an image when you are performing detailed work, or to reduce areas to get an overall view of an image.

The Grabber tool gives you a quick way to scroll an image. The Rotate Page tool lets you rotate an image window to accommodate the way you draw naturally. The Perspective Grid Adjuster tool lets you select and move the location of the perspective grid lines, the vanishing point, the horizon line, the ground line, and the picture plane. The Crop tool lets you remove unwanted edges from the image. You use the Brush tool to make marks on the Canvas or a layer.

The Brush tool represents a category of marking tools. Within the Brush category are pencils, pens, chalk, an airbrush, oil paints, water colors and more. When the Brush tool is selected, you can choose specific brushes from the Brush selector bar.

You can set opacity, grain, and drawing style freehand strokes or straight line strokes on the property bar. The Paint Bucket tool lets you fill an area.

The property bar shows choices for what area to fill and what to fill it with. The Color Tolerance and Color Feather values let you control the extent of fill and opacity in neighboring areas. You can also choose to anti-alias a fill. Double-click the Paint Bucket tool to specify what color in the image to lock out of your fill.

The Dropper tool lets you pick up a color from an existing image. The property bar shows you values for the. When you select a color with the Dropper tool, that color becomes the current color on the Colors palette.

You use the Rectangular Selection tool to create rectangular selections. You use the Oval Selection tool to create oval selections. The Lasso tool lets you draw a freehand selection. The Magic Wand tool lets you click or drag in the image to select an area of similar color. The Layer Adjuster tool is used to select, move and manipulate layers. The Selection Adjuster tool lets you select, move, and manipulate selections created with the Rectangular, Oval, and Lasso selection tools and those converted from Shapes.

Every shape you create automatically becomes a separate layer in the document. Shapes are listed on the Layers palette. You use the Shape Selection tool to select and move anchor points and to adjust their control handles. The Text tool creates text shapes. Use the Text palette to set the font, point size, and tracking.

The Pen tool lets you create straight lines and curves in shape objects. The Quick Curve tool lets you create shape paths by drawing freehand curves. The Shapes Objects tools create rectangular or oval shapes. When you create a shape, the details are displayed on the property bar. The Shape Edit tools allow you to manipulate existing shapes.

You use the Scissors tool to cut an open or closed segment. If the segment is closed, once you click on a line or point to cut the shape path, the shape path becomes open.

The Convert Point tool is used to convert between smooth and corner anchor points. The Color Selection box lets you choose primary and secondary colors. The front rectangle displays the primary color, and the back rectangle displays the secondary color.

The selectors in the toolbox give you quick access to the libraries for the following Corel Painter elements: papers, gradients, patterns, weaves, looks, and nozzles.

You can display items in selectors as thumbnails or in a list. You can also access commands from each selector menu. If the command you want is not available, you can display the entire palette that corresponds to the selector. The property bar in Corel Painter is context-sensitive — it changes according to the tool you are using. You can access settings and options for each tool, and you can change them according to your preferences using the boxes or pop-up sliders.

Tool settings are retained when you switch. You can also use the property bar to restore the default settings of the selected tool. The property bar is docked horizontally to the menu bar by default. You can move the property bar anywhere in the document window, dock it under the menu bar again, or close it. The settings change depending on the tool selected. The Brush selector bar lets you choose from a variety of brush categories and variants.

Brush categories are groups of similar brushes and media. Brush variants are specific brushes and brush settings within a brush category. The name of the selected brush category appears at the top of the Brush selector bar. The name of the selected brush variant appears under the brush category name.

The Brush Category selector shows you a preview of the currently selected brush category and lets you choose a new brush category. The Brush Variant selector does the same for brush variants. You can preview brush categories and variants as thumbnails or in list format.

Brush variants can also be previewed as brush strokes. Stroke view shows you both the dab type and brush stroke of the selected brush variant. The Brush selector bar menu commands are used for creating and loading brushes, working with brush variants, and manipulating brush strokes. The Brush selector bar is displayed at the top-right of the property bar by default. It can be moved to a new location in the document window, or it can be docked to the edge of the document window or other palettes.

The Brush Creator is designed to make the brush variant creation process easy and fun. You can use the Randomizer to create random brush variants, the Transposer to blend two brush variants, and the Stroke Designer to adjust the settings of brush variants. The interactive palettes in Corel Painter let you access the commands, controls, and settings available when creating documents.

You can show or hide a palette by choosing its name from the Window menu, from a selector, or by using the key combination shown on the Window menu. You can also use the Clone Color option on the Colors palette. It contains its own set of tools. For more information,. You use color sets to organize groups of colors. Some color sets are organized by both name and color relationship. You can also use the Clone Color option with this palette. You can preview paper textures as thumbnails or in a list, and see a thumbnail preview of the selected paper.

You can preview gradients as thumbnails or in a list, and see a thumbnail preview of the selected gradient. You can preview patterns as thumbnails or in a list, and see a thumbnail preview of the selected pattern. You can preview weaves as thumbnails or in a list, and see a thumbnail preview of the selected weave. You can use the buttons on the Layers palette to arrange layers, use plug-ins, add new layers including Water Color and Liquid Ink layers , create layer masks, and delete layers.

You can also set the composite method and depth, adjust the opacity, and lock and unlock layers. The buttons on the palette can be used to load, save, and invert existing channels, and to create new channels.

For example, you can open, close, play, and record scripts from the Scripts palette. You can view the images as thumbnails or in a list, as well as a thumbnail preview of the current image. You can view the images as thumbnails or in a list, as well as a thumbnail preview of the current selection. The new Info palette provides you with an image preview; document information, such as width and height; X and Y coordinates and the cursor position; context-sensitive information based on the selected tool; and unit information, such as pixels, inches, and resolution.

You can choose to view a canvas preview, which shows you the contents of the canvas, or a page layout preview, which shows you the entire document. You can also choose how RGB values will display on the Info palette — as actual values, a percentage of the values, or as hexadecimal values.

The Tracker palette temporarily stores brush categories, variants, and dab types when you apply brush strokes to the canvas. Each time you use a new brush, the variant is saved in the Tracker palette.

You can return to a brush variant you like by choosing it from the Tracker palette. You can view the brush variants stored in the Tracker palette as thumbnail images, in a list, or as strokes. The Tracker palette can be resized to display more or fewer brush variants; however, it will only store up to 25 variants at a time.

You can clear selected brush variants, clear all brush variants, and save brush variants using the Tracker. Brush variants are stored even after the document you were working on has been closed.

When a palette is displayed, it must be expanded for you to access its settings. You can collapse palettes to save screen real estate, while keeping them displayed in the application. If you have many palettes displayed and expanded, the view of other palettes can be obscured. You can scroll through palettes to locate the elements you want to work with.

When the triangle points down, the palette is expanded. When it points to the right, the palette is collapsed. The cursor changes to a hand and the palette scrolls as you drag. Most palettes in Corel Painter contain menus from which you can access a series of palette-specific commands.

For example, you can use the palette menu on the Papers palette to capture, make, and invert paper textures, and to open the Paper Mover and library. You can set up the palette layout in Corel Painter to best suit your working style. Palettes can be arranged in the document window to. You can also group and reposition palettes according to your preferences, and you can dock them to the edges of the document window or other palettes.

Corel Painter saves palette arrangements so that the next time you start the program, the workspace appears as you left it. You can save several different palette layouts for future use, and you can later delete layouts. Need help? Ask a question. Corel Painter specifications Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Corel Painter What operating system does the Corel Painter use?

Is the manual of the Corel Painter available in English? Unfortunately, we do not have the manual for the Corel Painter available in English. This manual is available in English. Download Now Learn More.

A full day free trial of this drawing software. No credit card required. These very popular stamp brushes have received a versatility overhaul. Open the Captured dab panel and choose from the included Captured dab library to get you started.

Change shape, edge effects, rotation, squeeze and anti-aliasing on-the-fly. Plus, create your own dabs, organize, import and export libraries all from the Captured dab panel! Enhance your artistic creations with new Watercolor compatible brushes and improved workflow options.

Karen Sperling's Artistry online This Painter Master website includes a wide variety of learning options for transforming photos into paintings. Painter Essential Training from Lynda. Transform photos into dazzling images or create original, painterly artwork using interactive paint mixing and digital brushes with a Wacom tablet.

Melissa Gallo Learn how to paint landscapes, portraits and more. Join Painter Masters for live workshops, which are held on a regular basis. Check out the Masters' websites below for a current schedule of events.



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